Are you a Finisher or a Flitterer

Are you a Finisher or a Flitterer

Do you struggle to finish things? Do you get something to about 90% done and then flitter off to do something else? Do you have freebies that are nearly ready to promote, or webpages that are almost ok to publish, or blog posts that just need a little tweak and then...
I Am NEVER Doing That Again!

I Am NEVER Doing That Again!

Is there something that you know you should be doing to move your business forward, but just the thought of doing it brings you out in a cold sweat? Maybe it’s hosting a live teleseminar or webinar, or doing an interview, or recording an actual video of you talking on...
Mind Mischief and Bad Decisions

Mind Mischief and Bad Decisions

Earlier this month I ran a series of 3 videos covering the Key Areas that you need to get right if you’re going to grow the Coaching Business you dream of having – (maybe you caught them?) The first two were about your business model and marketing,and the...
Money, Money, Money!

Money, Money, Money!

What is your attitude to money. If I were to ask you ‘do you want to make more money?’ I suspect I would get one of two broad answers to it. The first would be ‘hell yeah Karen, why do you think I am reading this’ and the opposite side to this...